Hi! Here's a little about me

I am a freelance designer living and working in the North San Joaquin Valley of California. My experience of more than eighteen years includes working with creative marketing teams to create high-quality deliverables for lifestyle and product campaigns. Having several diverse roles has given me a comprehensive understanding of the creative process from concept to file release. Plus, a background in print production has developed my eye for detail and technical abilities in handling photography, typography, and graphic elements. With collaboration, planning, and organizing I have effectively art-directed many studio shoots and increased the production efficiencies of studio photography and pre-press design processes. 


  • Catalog design and production.

  • Photography retouching, editing, and color correction.

  • Product photography direction.

  • Typography for large bodies of text, including complex style sheets.

  • Front-end website asset design, social media, and email campaigns.

  • Photoshoot production.

About Me:

  • My name is pronounced Lee-uh. Unlike Princess Leia, though she inspired my moniker.

  • I earned my Bachelor’s degree while working full-time as a graphic artist.

  • I started a handmade soap business in 2018.

  • I recently took up hiking & backpacking in Yosemite.

  • As a wife & mom, I'm also a short-order cook, home accountant, executive Costco member, and pantry-Tetris champion.

  • I have a ridiculously large library of audiobooks. (Favorite author: Stephen King).

  • I played the piano from age five until I became a rotten teenager, and now wish I hadn't quit, just like my mom said!

Thanks for stopping by & being awesome!

Connect with me on LinkedIn

For questions, or (even better) for booking, please contact me
